Embroidery Files Series 10x10

Embroidery Files Series 10x10

♥LITTLE Tinka Bella BIRKENFEE♥ Stickmuster BIRKE Feen ELFEN 10x10cm

♥LITTLE Tinka Bella BIRKENFEE♥ Stickmuster BIRKE Feen ELFEN 10x10cm

EUR 9,25 *

=>alle Dateien entstammen aus HANDGEMALTEN Kunstwerken von ZWERGENSCHÖN LITTLE TINKA BELLA ♥ B I RK E...

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♥littel FROGPRINCE♥ Arthur fairy-tale EMBROIDERY file

♥littel FROGPRINCE♥ Arthur fairy-tale EMBROIDERY file

EUR 13,08 *

  little P R I N C E A R T H U R ...once upon a time... heres comes the REAL...

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♥little BELLA BUNTKAEPPCHEN vol.2♥ red riding hood XXL

♥little BELLA BUNTKAEPPCHEN vol.2♥ red riding hood XXL

EUR 13,08 *

  once upon a time... the biggest fairy-tale LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD vol.2 XXL for your embroidery machine and...

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little WATERLILLY&friends XXL hoop 10x10

little WATERLILLY&friends XXL hoop 10x10

EUR 13,08 *

  little WATERLILLY&FRIENDS 19 (!) embroidery files/appliques for the hoop 10x10cm GRAFIC: galerie tausendschoen...

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♥little HAPPY FLOWERS♥ Love&Peace EMBROIDERY set 10x10cm

♥little HAPPY FLOWERS♥ Love&Peace EMBROIDERY set 10x10cm

EUR 13,08 *


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♥little BEAUTYseven&♥ embroidery-file-set 10x10cm

♥little BEAUTYseven&♥ embroidery-file-set 10x10cm

EUR 13,08 *

  P R I N C E S S B E A U T Y S E V E N XXL ...once upon a time... heres comes...

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♥little FAIRY CAKES ♥sweet KITCHEN-Embroidery SET 10x10cm

♥little FAIRY CAKES ♥sweet KITCHEN-Embroidery SET 10x10cm

EUR 9,25 *

ROSIE`s Q U E E N O F T H E K I T C H E N little FAIRY CAKES ♥...

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