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♥UNIQUEhorn♥EINHORN Embroidery File-Set 13x18cm

♥UNIQUEhorn♥EINHORN Embroidery File-Set 13x18cm

EUR 11,22 *

UNIQUEcorn wondermagical embroidery file-set for the hoop 13x18cm ♥ 8 patterns/appliques...

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♥MILLI ZWERGENSCHOEN♥embroidery file set 13x18

♥MILLI ZWERGENSCHOEN♥embroidery file set 13x18

EUR 13,08 *

  ...the first, the one and only :-)   here she comes     M I L L I Z W...

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♥MILLI goes SCHOOL♥embroidery file-set 13x18 BONUS g

♥MILLI goes SCHOOL♥embroidery file-set 13x18 BONUS g

EUR 14,95 *

...the first, the one and only :-)   here she comes for your heart, for your soul ...

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♥MILLI`s IDYLLIC WORLD♥ Embroidery File-Set 10x10 13x18 BON

♥MILLI`s IDYLLIC WORLD♥ Embroidery File-Set 10x10 13x18 BON

EUR 13,08 *

M I L L I `s idyllic WORLD embroidery file set for the HOOP 10x10 13x18cm plus BONUS 18x30cm...

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EUR 16,82 *

the most amazing biiiiiigest wonderunderwaterworld ever! PURE MAGIC for YOU and ALL what you are LOVING! WATERLILLY &...

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♥HULLA TRoeLLA♥ Embroidery ICLAND FAIRY Artwork

♥HULLA TRoeLLA♥ Embroidery ICLAND FAIRY Artwork

EUR 11,22 *

  ♥ HULLA TRoeLLA ♥   11 Embroidery FILEs for the HOOP 13x18cm (and a few for...

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♥TRUSTY♥ True Blue LOVE-DEER embroidery-file 13x18cm

♥TRUSTY♥ True Blue LOVE-DEER embroidery-file 13x18cm

EUR 13,08 *

T r u s t y True Blue LOVE DEER ♥♥♥   embroidery file set...

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WATERLILLY mermaid EMBROIDERY file 13x18 20x26cm

WATERLILLY mermaid EMBROIDERY file 13x18 20x26cm

EUR 5,51 *

the cutest mermaid under the sea and over ;-) 13x18 and 20x26cm FRAME embroidery file set 2 motives ♥...

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♥PRINCESS BEAUTYSEVEN♥ Embroidery-File-Set for the hoop 13x18cm

♥PRINCESS BEAUTYSEVEN♥ Embroidery-File-Set for the hoop 13x18cm

EUR 11,22 *

P R I N C E S S B E A U T Y S E V E N ...once upon a time... heres comes the world`s most...

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♥YOYO YOGASCHoeN♥ Embroidery-File SET meditation SWEET OMMM

♥YOYO YOGASCHoeN♥ Embroidery-File SET meditation SWEET OMMM

EUR 14,95 *

♥ Y O Y O Y O G A S C H Ö N ♥ ...gib` mir bitte noch ein OMMM...oder ZWEI...oder...

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